Sunday, September 10, 2006

Well I finshed the September KAL It turned out so pretty. I also just whipped up the Swish with a twist Although I did it with a pretty ombre of pinks/reds/blues (FROM MY COLOR swap secret pal and it didn't turn out like I had pictured it. I think the ombre is too busy that its hard to focus on the shapes of the cables. Oh well its cute any way.

My parents are on their way with the two uncles ! They will be here tomorrow afternoon. I called my mom and they were having a "super" time in a motel with them(I hope they don't kill each other) Oh well thing should settle down once they all get home (yeah right) But we will survie and its the best thing for them. My Grandpa would be so proud. Of them for acctually coming and us for bringing them. We are probably gonna need alot of prayers. Big D has been working his but off cleaning and making space in the barn and getting there bed linens ready. What a trooper the house is spotless. (for now)

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