Still knitting that corset-t. I can't wait to be done it is going to be so pretty. The top border I've done in a dark rose and now the body part is a lighter dusty rose and it just looks so pretty. I am doing it in an acrylic yarn so It won't be a soft as silk. But the acrylic tends to soften up with washing. And it can be thrown in the washing machine. I have yet to find some cute buttons I need at least 12. I want to find some really pretty ones. I guess I'm gonna have to get them from Santa Fe cause they sure don't have what I'm looking for at Wallyworld. :(
I allready finished the hat forK&C's lilg. Still working on the scrf. I'm doing it with a cable so its taking alittle longer to do. Even with only 12 stitches. But it is turning out so pretty and dainty. I'm pretty sure due to K getting another skein that I wil have enough for a small blanket too. Ohh or maybe even a little Poncho. That would be too cute. The ideas are spinning around in my head.
And of course still working on dischcloths, and even found some new patterns. A bunch I can do for my lil sis All texas theme.
I'm trying to find some special yarn for a new clapotis. I really love wearing mine. I think the next one will be a little shorter though. The black one I have allready is huge ,but it sure does keep me warm and toasty. I really love it !!!!! :o)
Well not much else has changed still plugging away at work and trying to stay warm It was mostly in the 40's all day. 32 this last morning when I headed home from work. BRRRR
Check out whats going on in this little town. Place for family to get updates. And anybody else that wants to read....
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Forgot the KNITTING!!!
Can't believe i forgot to update on the knitting fron.
Still working on the blanket for LIL d. slow going and still adding different blocks to it.
A hat scarf and mitten combo in light pink/black for K and C's baby 4months old now.I probably will knit up a blanket too with some of my leftovers.
Still working on the corset-t slow going and very boring, i usually do this in front of the tv.
And whatever dishcloth is going on however due to lack of black yarn I did not do the october one and it was really cute a candy corn/illusion style.
Still working on the blanket for LIL d. slow going and still adding different blocks to it.
A hat scarf and mitten combo in light pink/black for K and C's baby 4months old now.I probably will knit up a blanket too with some of my leftovers.
Still working on the corset-t slow going and very boring, i usually do this in front of the tv.
And whatever dishcloth is going on however due to lack of black yarn I did not do the october one and it was really cute a candy corn/illusion style.
Just hanging out waiting for the Bank to send the paperwork for us to sign. The contracter is coming this week to pour the foundation and put the septic tank. We are going crazy hurry up and wait. We allready have plotted out the spot where we are putting the house. Its actually been in my mind for this whole last year. But now its actually marked with posts and measured out. Wont be long now. Been saving money and now have to pay for the electric and an electrician to come out too. AGH this is so freaken expensive.
On a lighter note Lil d is doing great in school. He is a whole new boy. His teacher says hes one of the best in the class and most of all of his papers come back with great marks. We have been helping him alot with practicing for the spelling tests and he is getting 100's on those. He is making alot of nice little friends, and talks about them frequently. This week we are going on a field trip, I'm not sure where but I think it might be a pumkin patch/ranch. His teacher called and asked if either of us could chaparone. And I called back and left a message that we could both. We'll see what happens. He is still doing Karate due to the weather we had to cut back to once per week which is kinda hard cause he forgets some of the moves, but with the rain and now coming snow. It was just too much to wait around after school for the class to start. Trying to get him to practice at home has kinda been hard. He just wants to play.
Well the uncles are still hanging tough. UB is as onery as ever and really giving us a hard time. He is so used to UJ being around and doing everything for him. And then worrying about UJ in the hospital has been wearing on him too. UJ is not doing so hot. Lots of prayers are needed. They had to put a chest tube this week and are still waiting for all the tests to be done and results to come back. He is getting so bored, poor guy. We try to take UB to see him daily but then he gets worn out and just now got over a cold so then had to back off and just call sometimes. I think they are going crazy apart from each other.
Well work is going okay, still at the hospital. Just a few nights a week and waiting for an orientation for the other hospital. I was gonna do a few days at home health but starting that right now was just too much for me, with school and the uncles doing there thing. So I put that on hold for now. We'll see maybe in a couple of weeks. Well I had better go I know its been a while since my last post gotta get. :o)
On a lighter note Lil d is doing great in school. He is a whole new boy. His teacher says hes one of the best in the class and most of all of his papers come back with great marks. We have been helping him alot with practicing for the spelling tests and he is getting 100's on those. He is making alot of nice little friends, and talks about them frequently. This week we are going on a field trip, I'm not sure where but I think it might be a pumkin patch/ranch. His teacher called and asked if either of us could chaparone. And I called back and left a message that we could both. We'll see what happens. He is still doing Karate due to the weather we had to cut back to once per week which is kinda hard cause he forgets some of the moves, but with the rain and now coming snow. It was just too much to wait around after school for the class to start. Trying to get him to practice at home has kinda been hard. He just wants to play.
Well the uncles are still hanging tough. UB is as onery as ever and really giving us a hard time. He is so used to UJ being around and doing everything for him. And then worrying about UJ in the hospital has been wearing on him too. UJ is not doing so hot. Lots of prayers are needed. They had to put a chest tube this week and are still waiting for all the tests to be done and results to come back. He is getting so bored, poor guy. We try to take UB to see him daily but then he gets worn out and just now got over a cold so then had to back off and just call sometimes. I think they are going crazy apart from each other.
Well work is going okay, still at the hospital. Just a few nights a week and waiting for an orientation for the other hospital. I was gonna do a few days at home health but starting that right now was just too much for me, with school and the uncles doing there thing. So I put that on hold for now. We'll see maybe in a couple of weeks. Well I had better go I know its been a while since my last post gotta get. :o)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Wow its been crazy around here. One of my DGU is very ill and in hosp. And the other is at home with a cold and very onery. Oh well life goes on. Not much knitting going on. I'm working on the dish cloth KAL and finished a cute little kitty. of course MOM stole it. Don't have a pic yet I'll try. And now to fight the boredom at work am working on the textured ball band cloth. Still making the small blocks for Lil D but its slow going. And the corset-t is coming along slowly. K2P2 is not entertaining enough for me gotta keep mixing it up. Oh well its short sleeve any way so I probably wont wear it till spring anyway. Found alot of cute patterns but no serious plans as of yet.
Our house is gonna go thru just waiting on the permits. We went on friday and then there was a power outage that lasted from friday @3pm till Sat 6pm how tedious. No water or any thing we had to dip into the cow trough for the toilets( good weve got that thing). This only reinforces dads reasoning for getting a big gravity tank. So I guess thats the next thing on the list
Gotta get
Our house is gonna go thru just waiting on the permits. We went on friday and then there was a power outage that lasted from friday @3pm till Sat 6pm how tedious. No water or any thing we had to dip into the cow trough for the toilets( good weve got that thing). This only reinforces dads reasoning for getting a big gravity tank. So I guess thats the next thing on the list
Gotta get
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Happy Birthday to me!!!
Well what a great day so far. I ended up having to work and right before I left to go home I got a call from my almost 3yrold nephew singing"happy birthday". What a joy. Then my son and his snuggly kisses. So far a great day. And the grand prize is we are gonna get the house... finally. It looks like everthing is coming together. We might even be able to invite some far away relatives " home for the holidays" I can't wait. Well thank you all for the prayers and
good thoughts. 
Some finished objects two dishcloths from the dishcloth kal they turned out pretty and lots of fun.

This is what our little country road looked like before the last frost. I don't have an update but its definetelly not as pretty as this. Every thing on the side of the road is dead and just sticks. Bummer!
Oh well gotta get

Some finished objects two dishcloths from the dishcloth kal they turned out pretty and lots of fun.

Oh well gotta get
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