Hi! What you are supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire email or paste it onto a new email that you'll send . Change all the questionnaire answers so they apply to you and then send this to a whole bunch of people, including the one who sent it to you. Put your name in the subject line. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends, if you did not know them already!
1) what time did you get up this morning? 9:00pm
2) Diamonds or Pearls? diamonds with opals.
3) What was the last film you saw at the cinema? zoo animals(not madagascar can't remember the name
4) What are your favourite TV shows? ER
5) What did you have for breakfast today? cereal Luckycharms
6) What is your middle name? Marie (after my grandmother)
7) What is your favourite cuisine?I love food
8) What foods do you dislike? Nothing from the ocean
9) What is your favourite crisp flavour? not sure on this one.
10) What is your favourite CD at the moment? Cold Play
11) What kind of car do you drive? Grey Jeep
12) Favourite Sandwich? Spam and mustard
13) What characteristics do you despise? Hairy
14) What are your favourite clothes? Jeans and tee shirt
15) A place you would like to holiday? Europe
16) What colour is your bathroom? White, green and blue
17) Favourite brand of clothing? not important
18) Where would you want to retire to? Mountains
19) Favourite time of day? Nap Time
20) Where were you born? Lynwood California
21) Favourite sport to watch? Baseball
22) Who do you least expect to send this back? Pass
23) Person you expect to send it back? Vic
24) Coke or Pepsi? Diet Coke with lime
25) Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night Owl
26) Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? I've just started blogging. My son is graduating kindergarten
27) What did you want to be when you were little? mommy
28) What is your best childhood memory? Camping with my family
29) What are the different Jobs you have had in your life? Chicekn farm, Strawhat Pizza, Taco Bell, Carl's Jr, nursing home, home for developmentally disabled children, hospital
30) Nicknames? Jamboree
31) Piercings? Ears
32) Eye Colour?Green
33) What colour underwear are you wearing?Blue boy short
34) Been in a car accident? yes four before 18 yrs old
35) Favourite day of the week? Friday
36) Favourite restaurant? Olive Garden
37) Favourite flower? Roses
38) Favourite ice cream? mint chip
39) Favourite fast food restaurant? Taco bell no contest except its over 60 miles away
40) How many times did you fail your driving test? none
41) Before this one, from whom did you get your last email?My sister
42) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card in? Target
43) Bedtime? I work night shift I try to sleep on and off during the day
44) Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? All of you
45) Last person you went to dinner with? Mom,Dad,Jon and Linda
46) What are you listening to right now? silence
47) What is your favourite colour? green and purple
48) How many tattoos do you have? None, Yet but I have plans for a Pooh bear
49) How many people are you sending this email to? probably two
1 comment:
This is NOT my original quesionaire??
Happy that you returned to mys site for the rest..of..the story about the curious shopper! :)
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