This is lilD definetelly a work in progress. For miles up and down our road there are these sunflowers. Its so pretty.

August mid month wip.

"Fetching" caron ss in lavendar

Forgot, I think january dishcloth
Stil work in progress
Check out whats going on in this little town. Place for family to get updates. And anybody else that wants to read....
We stopped at the side of the dam for a couple of pics.
Then the rain started so our tent get soaked . It didn't have much of a chance esp since we lost the top and have a couple of tarps tied on it.
The storm then calmed down a bit and this is what it looked like. I acctually had to park the Jeep on top of the tent to keep it from blowing away. We had to cut out the bootom to let the water out of it. The poles were bent and we had to throw it away. While the storm raged on we had to take it apart. Lil D and the dogs stayed in the camp ground lean to.