Thursday, August 10, 2006

Well my son was playing in his room and said " thers a wasp in my room" my husband went to investigate and there was a SCORPION on the celing. How weird is that I was reading a blog re that and blogged back about how we have them too. No I have not checked my knitting bag by the door. Now I'm afraid. Oh well gotta get back to work hehehe. The sweater for Lil D is coming along nicely. I finished the back allready and casted on the front. I too took a pic of this but the camera is at home and I didn't bother to try due to the probs w/blogger. Really I gotta go.


Maureen said...

Being the big baby that I am when it comes to creepy critters, I'd be putting all of my stuff in ziplock bags. Actually, the more I think about it, I'd probably be putting up a For Sale sign. ;)

Hope you have some luck w/ your pictures and blogger soon.

Angela Robinson said...

Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. The yarn I used for the multi-colored blanket was by Red Heart...Big and Chunky, I think, and the color was "Circus". Good luck with all your projects, and thanks again for the encouraging words!
